The Joy of Gift Giving
Family fun activity: How to celebrate Saturnalia.
You don’t need to be ancient or Roman to have some winter family fun like the Romans did!
Try and make some gifts for your friends and family.

Romans had a strong tradition of giving silly gifts which is probably why Auralia and her children can be heard complaining loudly during Saturnalia.
Gifts were usually exchanged on December 19th, which was the day of the Sigillaria, the day of gift-giving. Gifts ranged from white candles called Cerei and small wooden figurines, to sausages, dice, wine, ear pics, sponges, bladder footballs, books of bad poetry and sheep heads! This year Auralia is planning on giving the commanding officer some tooth-pics!
Try and make some gifts for your friends and family using materials you have around the house, and or items you can recycle (please ask an adult before using). Will they be silly, and strange like the Romans exchanged or serious? Take a photo of your home- made gifts and share on our Facebook page.